An infopoint for young people in the house confiscated from a mafioso

A property expropriated to the mafia assigned to the Christian Service of Riesi

Rome (NEV), September 14, 2018 – For the first time in the history of the municipality of Riesi (Caltanissetta, Sicily), a property confiscated from the mafia will be entrusted to the Christian Service, a social activity of the Waldensian Church. The recent Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian Churches expressed the support to the Service’s activity to combat organized crime.

The house belonged to a well-known member of the mafia, condemned several times for murder,

it is located in a central area of the town of Riesi and, according to the intentions of the assignees, will be transformed into a structure for young people. Gianluca Fiusco, director of  the Christian Service for the last ten years, interviewed by, said that in the villa a Youth Infopoint for

the girls and boys of Riesi, will be open together with a University orientation desk. With the aim of bringing together the offer of legal work and the request of legal work, the intention is also to establish a desk to support the insertion in the working world.