A silver medal at the #FineVita Interreligious Manifesto

The "World Interfaith Harmony Week" prize, established by the UN in 2010, assigned in Amman

Al centro, Maria Angela Falà, presidente del Tavolo interreligioso di Roma

Rome (NEV), April 23, 2019 – The Inter-religious Manifesto of Rights in the end of life paths, presented last February 5 in Rome and signed, among others, by the Federation of  Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), (see Monthly Press Service, n.355 / 2019 ??), received on April 17, in Amman, the silver medal during the “World Interfaith Harmony Week’.
The award, given to Maria Angela Falà, president of the Rome interreligious table, was attributed with this motivation:
“The leaders of different faiths (Buddhist, Catholic, Islamic, Hindu, Jewish, Orthodox, Reformed Christian) – the motivation for the Prize states – have signed a Manifesto to ensure religious and spiritual support for patients in health facilities such as hospitals and hospices or at home, during the final phase of their life. Italian Health Minister Giulia Grillo attended the signing ceremony and stressed how the Manifesto is a very important document for dialogue and cooperation between different religions and faiths. The Italian Government will promote this initiative to support the dignity of dying people and ensure religious and spiritual assistance at the end of life”.

The Manifesto is based on nine fundamental rights: right to dispose of the remaining time; right to the respect for one’s religion; right to services aimed at respecting the religious, spiritual and cultural sphere; right to the presence of the religious referent or spiritual assistant; right to the assistance of an intercultural mediator; right to receive spiritual assistance also from referents of other faiths; right to spiritual support and relational support for oneself and for one’s family members; right to respect pre and post-mortem practices; right to mutual respect.
The promoters of the Manifesto – the Rome Interfaith Table, ASL Rome 1, GMC – Catholic University (Hospice villa Speranza) – are currently handling the definition of the guidelines and operating procedures which will be applicable in every Italian healthcare organization.

The signatories of the Manifesto are: Islamic Cultural Center of Italy, Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy, Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, Hospice Villa Speranza – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai, Italian Buddhist Union, Union of the Jewish Italian Communities, Italian Hindu Union, Italian Union of the Seventh Day Adventist Christian Churches, Vicariate of Rome, Association of Hospital Volunteers (AVO), Service Center for Volunteering (CSV Lazio), Cittadinanzattiva – Tribunal for Patients’ Rights, a Social Health Operator in category representation.

On April 12th last, the National Federation of Nursing Professions (FNOPI) – which includes over 450.000 nurses in Italy – also signed the Manifesto.


The “World Interfaith Harmony Week” was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010 with the aim of promoting interreligious dialogue and mutual understanding between different faith or thought traditions, both aspects of coexistence considered essential to a culture of peace. It was proposed in September 2010 at the UN by King Abdullah II of Jordan, in the spirit of the open letter of the 138 Muslim sages “A common word” addressed to the Christian world.