Sea Watch; Protestant churches ready to host a share of rescued migrants and to press for relocation of the others within Europe.

Disegno di Francesco Piobbichi, operatore di Mediterranean Hope - Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in Italia

Agenzia NEV – 19th May 2019

“We shall make available both our reception accommodation in Italy and our relationships with European sister churches in order to enable a plan for relocation within Europe of a share of the migrants rescued by Sea Watch to be drawn up”.

So says Pastor Luca Maria Negro President of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI).

“To welcome migrants fleeing from persecution,” he continues, “is a civic duty of every democracy; but for us as carriers of the Gospel it is also a service to our neighbour which is rooted in Biblical tradition and an imperative of our faith.  All of the churches which belong to the FCEI have solid relationships with their sister churches in Europe, many of which are actively committed to migrant reception programmes.  We are convinced that collaboration between national governments, European institutions and civil society is essential for the construction of an effective reception policy which recognises human rights”.

Drawing by Francesco Piobbichi, staff, Mediterranean Hope programme, Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI)