Spirituality at the end of life

In Prato a conference to reflect on spirituality and care

Rome (NEV), June 29, 2019 – Pastor Sergio Manna, representing the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) participated on Friday 28 June, in the day of reflection about “Drawing on the Sources: the contribution of Religions to the perspective of a spiritual care”. An event planned in the frame of the study and reflection days on the end of life, organized by La Comunità dei Ricostruttori and by the non-profit organization Tuttoèvita with the patronage of the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Prato, the non-profit Palliative Care Federation and the Italian Society of Palliative Care. With Manna there was Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life; Joseph Levi, Florence emeritus rabbi  and representative of the Union of Jewish Communities of Italy; Mohamed Bamoshmoosh, cardiologist and representative of the Islamic Community of Tuscany; Giorgio Raspa, former president of the Italian Buddhist Union; Ionut Coman, permanent National Councilor for the Dialogue of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy; Svamini Hamsananda Ghiri, a Hindu nun, vice-president of the Italian Hindu Union.

The national conference “Spirituality at the end of life”, from 28 to 30 June, at the Monastery of San Leonardo al Palco, (Prato, Tuscany), aimed to focus attention on the experience of hospice and palliative care and brought together some of the main protagonists of the accompaniment at the end of life and in particular several people who have started research on the theme of spirituality at professional level.
Christina Puchalski, founder and current director of the George Washington University’s Institute for Spirituality and Health, opened the event with the Lectio magistralis on “Care and compassion. How to integrate body and soul into care”.

Lorenzo Cohen, director of the Integrated Medicine Program at the MD Anderson Cancer Center of the Texas University, offered a Lectio magistralis on “Meditation, spirituality and yoga in the care of the tumor”.

The meeting ended with a panel on the research about secular spirituality.