Globalization and Environment Commission: Stop weapons export

The Globalization and Environment Commission of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy intervenes on the motion to immediately halt exports of bombs and missiles to countries involved in the war in Yemen, approved on 26 June last

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Rome (NEV), July 13, 2019 – The Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) expresses itself once again for the blockade of arms production and for the reconversion of war industries.
“On June 26th, as soon as the motion for the immediate blocking of bomb and missile exports to the countries involved in the war in Yemen was voted on – GLAM reported – a letter from the RWM Italy general manager arrived to the workers of Domusnovas RWM, announcing a reduction in contracts, while the same company is negotiating to have another 136 hectares for an extension, against which an appeal has been filed with the TAR (Administrative Regional Court)”.

The majority resolution filed with the Italian Chamber of Deputies, approved with 262 votes in favor, 0 votes against and 214 abstentions, does not concern all types of armaments, as requested by the opposition parties with more binding motions, but it is in line with the provisions of the law of 9 July 1990 n. 185 concerning arms exports. “This act of the Italian Government is also the result of the long resistance and commitment, in Sardinia and in the Country, of the historical disarmament associations, of the humanitarian organizations, of the dock workers of  Genoa and Livorno that have slowed down the transfer of the weapons and, finally, of the international pressure”, continued GLAM.

“The Committee for the conversion of the factory is asking for a public intervention –  GLAM  noted,  reiterating the importance of direct involvement of citizens and churches -. Throughout this experience, we remember the presence of Christian organizations, including the Baptist churches in Sardinia, networks and movements for a fair and unarmed economy and for an ethical finance, international and territorial observatories. The determination, dignity and civil courage of the Committee and of the citizens who support it, are like a flower in the swamp. In denouncing the negligence of the institutions, the corruption, the mafias and the absence of a culture of the common good, we as GLAM reaffirm the urgency to stop the arms production that some still call ‘progress’ and ‘development’, and confirm our support to the vision that animates those who are leading this struggle”.