Kirsten Thiele new deputy of the Lutheran Church in Italy. People at the center

Kirsten Thiele, pastor of the community of Naples, is the new vice-dean of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy. Her pastoral work focuses above all on working with young people, ecumenism and networking

Heiner Bludau e Kirsten Thiele, rispettivamente Decano e vice-Decana della CELI

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2019 – “I did not choose this assignment, but sometimes God calls us to serve him and we must be ready” .These are the words of pastor Kirsten Thiele of the Lutheran evangelical community of Naples, called to replace Franziska Müller as deputy dean of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (CELI), from September 1st.

Kirsten Thiele thanked the Consistory for the trust granted to her and the Council of her church for giving her the green light for the co-optation as a deputy dean. “I will do my best to grow together with others and to be a good guide for CELI”.

Pastor Thiele was born in Lüdenscheid. She completed her theological studies in Münster and Göttingen. She has been living in Italy since 1997. Until 2014 she worked in Sardinia and since then has served as pastor of the Lutheran Evangelical Community of Naples. Over the years she carried out various activities that, while not directly dealing with theology, have always had to do with people and care activities. Her interest in  establishing contact with people and caring for others, are a constant fact in her way of living religion and conceiving life.