Norwegian Catholics and Lutherans visiting Rome

A delegation of ten representatives of the Norwegian Catholic-Lutheran Commission visited the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy and the Diaconate of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy. Ecumenism, young people and migrants at the center of the exchange of experiences with the religious leaders

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2019 – From Norway to Italy for a comparison under the banner of ecumenism, dialogue, good practices looking at the future of churches. On Thursday 5th of September, an ecumenical delegation of ten members of the Norwegian Lutheran and Catholic Churches was received at the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), Rome. The meeting focused not only on theological themes, but also on an exchange over the hottest social issues in Europe.

FCEI presented to the Norwegian group, accompanied for the occasion by the dean of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (CELI), pastor Heiner Bludau and Cordelia Vitiello, vice-president of the Consistory and CELI legal representative, the activities carried out under its program for migrants and refugees, Mediterranean Hope, and in particular the experience of humanitarian corridors.

“We were very positively impressed by this project – declared Einar Tjelle, General Secretary of the Council for International and ecumenical relations of the Norwegian Church  – and we discussed how to do a joint lobbying activity, on our respective governments and within the European institutions, to implement this path of humanitarian corridors for refugees”.

During the visit to Italy, the Norwegian delegation – which had already been in Rome in 2012 – planned various meetings with the Community of St. Egidio, Caritas and other realities of the Catholic and non-Catholic world.