#GlobalClimateStrike. GLAM calls for a climate emergency

The climate emergency demands a radical change in economic, settlement, mobility and agricultural policies

Roma, 24 maggio 2019. Fridays for Future, secondo sciopero globale per il clima

Rome (NEV), September 28, 2019 – “Together with the young people we ask that the Government declare the climate emergency, and that citizens and small towns be informed about the gravity of the climatic situation”: these are the words with which the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) adhered to the global strike for the future. “In the week between 20 and 27 September (in Italy it was Friday 27) the third global strike for the future took place – says the GLAM -, as global as the neoliberal economy defined itself about forty years ago, just to unhook economy from every responsibility and constraint of economic, social and climatic-environmental justice”.
GLAM, on the occasion of the world week for climate justice, reaffirmed “the support for the struggles of those who are opposing, particularly in southern Italy, the devastation caused by drilling or transporting fossil fuels; for decades these citizens have been fighting for production not to generate waste and against planned obsolescence; denouncing the non-sustainability of a car-based mobility model; defending trees and contributing to reforestation; committing themselves against the construction of useless public works in contrast with the emergency to stop the ongoing climate change”.
Recalling that this week of mobilization fell during The Time of Creation, GLAM concluded by saying that “for a pilgrimage of justice and peace towards creation we need to think of an economic system no longer centered on the profit of a few, but on satisfying the needs of all, serving people and environment, respecting  the times and spaces of life that are not those of the market”.