Christian churches in Italy ask to switch “from the good for me to the good for everybody”

A declaration of Christian churches in Italy on the safeguard of Creation

Rome (NEV), October 7, 2019 – The representatives of the Christian Churches in Italy – Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants -, gathered in Rome last September 23 and elaborated a joint text inspired by the Conference “Keep my precepts in your heart “* on the safeguard of God’s Creation. In the the document the churches affirm the responsibility towards Creation and the need to pray for the respect of humanity towards the planet.
The message that the churches want to share, so that “it might bear fruit in our churches and in our country”, denounces the worrying data on the climate for the future of humanity and the planet, and asks Christians to “act with courageous projects and strategies  for a change in the style of daily life in the light of the steps that Christians have already made”.
“Our believing conscience – we read in the text – drawing on the Jewish-Christian vision of creation, invites us to combine the ethical thrust of faith with human and scientific knowledge, in view of wise and effective choices. Through education for a new look: from the good for me to the good for everybody”.
The text closes with suggestions that invite to “responsibility and awareness, and to exercise the diaconate of hope”.

* promoted by the Ecumenical and Dialogue Office and by the Episcopal Commission of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) in collaboration with the Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy and Malta of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Orthodox Diocese of St. George – Rome, the Rumenian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Church of England and the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) – (Milan, 19-21 November 2018).