Protestant women / anti-violence dossier: Implemet the Istanbul convention

The usual "16 days to win violence" issued by FDEI and addressed to men and women, collects normative ideas, stories, film proposals, verses and prayers for women's human rights

Rome (NEV), November 16, 2019 – The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) has edited the new folder “16 days to win violence” entitled “Not to forget the Istanbul Convention”. A multi-pages journey, one a day from November 25th to December 10th, that is, from the World Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women up to the World Day for Human Rights.

FDEI president, pastor Gabriela Lio, explains: “This year the FDEI, with the intention of contributing to the eradication of violence against women and girls, compares some articles of the Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe of May 2011, ratified by Italy only in 2013, with the so-called Shadow Report of the Association of Anti-violence Centers (DIRE), released in October 2018, on the implementation of the Convention in our Country.
“This is an articulated and in-depth report that highlights the most critical aspects of the application of the Convention, as well as the non-compliance reported by other international control bodies – continues Pastor Lio -. There are two issues: the distance between the rules adopted and the application in the national territory, which appears to be uneven, and the lack of funding to allow actions and services to combat violence against women, with the consequent and dramatic lack of protection of the victims of violence rights”.
The dossier is divided into 16 parts written by 8 women and 8 men belonging to different ecclesiastical denominations and contains biblical texts and reflections, as well as testimonies of stories of violence.
“The “16 days to win violence” offer an opportunity for churches and groups to reflect together in solidarity on these issues. It is conceived as a work tool, accompanied by some film proposals, websites and a brief updated bibliography – concludes Lio -. The questions we are asked each day until December 10th, Human Rights Day, want to be a boost not only for comparison, but above all for concrete actions to witness to the Gospel of life”.
The 16 themes of reflection are: “Few and intermittent funding”, “Preventing sexism and stereotypes”, “Training lawyers, judges, police forces”, “Treating abusive men”, “Acting against cyberbullying”, “Who listens to the voice of disabled women?”, “More shelter houses needed”, “Overcoming the trauma of sexual violence”, “The damages of witnessing violence”, “Psychological violence is violence”, “A fierce rite to overcome”, “Like a caged animal”, “Feeling dirty for no reason”, “The form lacked the voice ‘asylum'”, “Searching for justice”.

The dossier, edited by Claudia Angeletti and Gianna Urizio, also contains contributions by Massimo Aprile, Dora Bognandi, Daniele Bouchard, Manuela Castaldo, Paola Gonano, Anna Maffei, Dario Monaco, Luca Maria Negro, Massimiliano Pani, Angelo Reginato, Davide Rostan, Letizia Tomassone, Renate Zwick.