Gallo Verde (Milan) on climate emergency: honor your son and daughter

Foto Jordan Beltran - Unsplash

Rome (NEV) January 11, 2020 – In the aftermath of the failure of the 25th session of the Conference of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP25), which ended in Madrid, Spain, last December 13, the Green Rooster Group of the Waldensian church of Milan issued the following statement.

“No agreement has been reached on the actions to be taken to reduce and neutralize the greenhouse gas emissions that produce climate change and to financially help the countries that are already exposed to the impact of the changes”, the petitioners denounce, saying they are outraged at yet another proof of the prevailing of economic interests over those of safeguarding life on the planet.
The document also highlights the inability to take strong positions as a community, “inattentive in accepting the requests for help from the most fragile peoples and already directly affected by climate change, insensitive to the duties of responsibility towards young people who march in every corner of the planet to get our attention”. This “confession of sin” translates into an assumption of responsibility starting from the question that a Waldensian pastor asked recently: “When will we understand that this is the time of the eleventh commandment: honor your son and daughter so that their days are prolonged on earth?”.
The Green Rooster therefore commits itself to “continue its action of information, dissemination, awareness and denunciation by any means to favor a decisive change of mentality; to intensify the adoption of good practices at both individual and community level; to collaborate with all those who have understood the urgency and the inevitability of the problem in order to make one voice speak loud to those who continue to pretend not to hear”.

Born in Germany in 2001 with the aim of generating a specific environmental management system for ecclesiastical realities, the Grüner Gockel project (in Italian precisely “Gallo Verde”) saw the accession of dozens of churches, Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox , in several European states. In Italy, the Waldensian church of Milan was the first to obtain the certification.