Inequalities, Oxfam report: rich people increasingly wealthy

The comment by Gianluca Barbanotti, Executive Secretary of the Waldensian Deaconate, to the data of the Oxfam report, during the conference "Beyond the words", precisely on the issues of inclusion and inequalities, held in Rome on last January 23rd

Foto di Mihály Köles @mihaly_koles da

Rome (NEV), January 24, 2020 – A static Country, with no “social elevator”. A planet where 2,153 people have a wealth of 2,019 billion, a wealth greater than the total wealth of 4.6 billion people, about 60 percent of the world’s population. These are the figures which appear on the Oxfam annual report to the World Economic Forum of Davos, Switzerland. Gianluca Barbanotti, executive secretary of the Waldensian Deaconate, commented these data on the sidelines of the conference “Beyond the words” held in Rome, on Thursday January 23rd.

The worldwide framework associates also Italy, with similar dynamics, even if here the weight of inequality is more felt because social mobility is blocked, thus damaging the principle of equality, consecrated in the article 3 of the Italian Constitution. More than 30% of the employed youth, in fact, earn less than gross 800 Euro per month. 13% of the under-29-year-old Italians are in working poverty condition. The Waldensian Deaconate invests, to contrast this trend, in school and training, implementing, among other things, the universal civil service.
Another focal point stressed during the “Beyond the words” meeting was the domestic and care work which involves a realistic approach to migration policies. There are 8-900 thousand regular carers in Italy: of these many are foreigners targeted to take care of the Italian and non-Italian elderly people. This also means that the Waldensian Deaconate, among others, must prepare especially migrants to do this work in the most dignified and protected way possible.