Corona virus: the Waldensian and Methodist Churches allocate € 8 million

Torre Pellice, Casa valdese

Rome (NEV CS / 07), March 20, 2020 – “The Waldensian and Methodist Churches – reads a note published yesterday, Thursday, March 19, on the website – and their social, educational, cultural services, fully participate in the suffering and concerns, but also in the desire to share the hopes and the best expressions of solidarity commitment that in this time of emergency cross the life of the Country in all its components, with a particularly attentive look at the most vulnerable and marginal realities.

The Waldensian Board, sensing the responsibility, for the churches it represents, of contributing also with extraordinary means to the direct commitment to face the health, social and economic crisis produced by the spread of the COVID-19 virus,  has decided to allocate € 8 million,  from the funds of the eight per thousand of the Income tax revenues, assigned annually to the Waldensian and Methodist Churches, for the establishment of a special Fund for this purpose.

The Board is already engaged in the careful evaluation of strict, credible and far-sighted lines of action and intervention, which require unhurried and non-emotional choices, to be compared with institutional subjects and third sector entities. These lines of action will move along two directions: the first is focused on immediate and urgent needs, especially in the health sector, on which many resources are generously made available by individuals, foundations and other charitable organizations. The churches consider, with respect to this, important  to keep the attention on the evolution of the situation, especially in those areas of the Country that appear more fragile and less equipped to cope with the emergency. 

The second direction concerns the needs of recovery beyond the emergency, considering what is not yet seen:  the chasms of unease, exclusion and impoverishment in which the social categories most exposed to the consequences of the prolonged blockade of productive activities and social support networks, will plummet. It will also be crucial to take into account the choices of redistribution of human and financial resources imposed in these months by the measures taken to curb contagion”.