Against homotransphobia

Rome (NEV), May 16, 2020 –  May 17 is the World Day against homotransphobia. For the past 14 years, throughout Italy, prayer vigils, torchlight processions, cults, conferences and books presentations have been organized around this date. For years this initiative has seen the adhesion of the Faith and Homosexuality Evangelical Network  (REFO) and of numerous Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and Waldensian churches, parishes, associations and institutions.
The lock-down due to the CORONAVIRUS will make this year’s initiatives an opportunity to reflect “remotely” on these issues through social media and web platforms, with live broadcasts, in-depth content, the possibility of direct interaction with comments and speeches.
We recall the initiatives of Palermo and Turin. A detailed list of the events throughout the peninsula can be find at this LINK .