On May 24 the on-line Methodist Consultation

The yearly moment of meeting and debate of the Methodist communities will take place this year electronically due to the CORONAVIRUS.  A “renewal cult”, open to everybody via zoom, on Sunday afternoon

Rome (NEV),  May 23, 2020 – Due to the CORONAVIRUS emergency, the Standing Committee of the  Methodist Evangelical Churches in Italy (OPCEMI), already in April decided to carry out the usual Methodist Consultation electronically.
The Methodist Consultation represents a central moment for the Methodists and will take place on Sunday 24 May, a day that recalls the so-called “conversion” of John Wesley. This is an important moment of meeting, reflection and debate of the various Methodist communities. On the occasion  the Standing Committee reports on what has been accomplished during the current ecclesiastical year.
The meeting will  start in the morning with the analysis of the report of the Standing Committee followed by a short debate. Afterwards, there will be the greetings from the institutional representatives. In the afternoon the communications and, at 3 pm, a worship service  focused on the “renewal of the Pact”.