Eight per thousand project, the preliminary evaluation phase closed with the month of May

In May, the Eight per Thousand Office completed the first screening of the requests for funding: 4600 applications, 500 more than in 2019. Of these, 3000 will pass to the next step, the "qualitative" evaluation by the specific Commission, which in June will be called to enter into the merits of each individual non-profit project

Rome (NEV),  May 29, 2020 – With the month of May the first scrutiny of the requests for funding presented during the 2020 call for the Eight per Thousand of the Waldensian Church – Union of Methodist and Waldensian churches ended. The purpose of this preliminary phase is to verify that the requests presented at the Waldensian Board are correctly completed  and include the mandatory documentation.
Even during the lock-down imposed by the CORONAVIRUS emergency, the Eight per Thousand Office (OPM) of the Waldensian Board continued tirelessly to sort applications in smart working thanks to the JUNO IT platform. “We have organized ourselves to maintain concentration at a distance with daily meetings: I must say  I am very satisfied with the work done by the entire office – says Manuela Vinay, in charge of the OPM office -. Thanks to the investment made by the Waldensian Board with the JUNO platform, we were able to maintain our operations and work in an agile way to better manage the 2020 call. Without this new tool, it would not have been possible to guarantee compliance with the deadlines”.
Out of over 4,600 requests received – 500 more than last year, when they were 4,100 -, approximately 3,000 will be able to pass to the next evaluation phase. The main reasons for the preliminary exclusion of the 2020 applications are linked to two distinct problems: the lack of mandatory documentation – the cause of two thirds of the exclusions – and the lack of indication of partners and subjects involved in the proposed activities – which in turn resulted in the 15% of the refusals.

With the month of June the moment to evaluate the more than 3,000 applications that have passed the preliminary phase of the Otto per Mille call will come. Also this choral phase of the work will be carried out largely remotely, through IT tools, to ensure the safety of the participants in the face of the CORONAVIRUS emergency.