In Torre Pellice on exhibit ink drawings  and colors by Valerio Papini

Rome (NEV),  May 29, 2020 – From  May 24 to  September 27 the exhibition “Day after day….ink drawings and colors by Valerio Papini”, in the rooms of the Waldensian Museum in Torre Pellice. 

Historical voice of the Evangelical Cult, the transmission of Radio1 RAI produced in agreement with the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), Valerio Papini, who passed away in 2018, had a strong artistic talent also explicited, among other things, in the collaborations as a graphic designer with the magazines “Nuovi tempi” and “Gioventù evangelica”, and the creation of various covers for the Protestant editor Claudiana. His are also the logos of the FCEI and of the Eco-historical museum system of the Waldensian Valleys.

The exhibition, curated by Gabriella Peyrot and exhibited in Rome a year ago, can be visited together with the museum, in the last two Sundays  of May from 2.30pm to 7pm. From June, presumably extended hours will follow. It is necessary to announce  visits to the secretariat or to the address:, to allow staff to spread out the entrances.