Methodists. The British Methodist Conference 2020

This year the Conference took place in digital format due the CORONAVIRUS pandemic with planned direct streaming. Mirella Manocchio,  president of the Action of the Methodist Protestant Churches in Italy, participated in the event

Rome (NEV), July 5,  2020 – The General Conference of the Methodist Church of Great Britain was held from 25 June to 2 July. The British Methodist Conference, the usual meeting that brings together pastors and delegates from all circuits, was expected to be held in Telford, but due to the CORONAVIRUS pandemic this year was held in digital format.
The public sessions of the conference, including the establishment of the new president and vice-president, was streamed. The president of the Action of Methodist Protestant Churches in Italy (OPCEMI), Mirella Manocchio, connected from Italy, brought an official greeting to the newly elected positions.