The new Archivio Disarmo website is online

Among the various initiatives of the association, the Tullio Vinay award

Foto Archivio disarmo, la precedente sede dell'associazione

Rome (NEV), 12 July 2020 – The new website is on-line, with new graphics and more accessible contents.
The Institute for International Research Archive Disarmament (IRIAD) is a non-profit social promotion association, founded in 1982, which works in connection with various national and international organizations on the issues of security, disarmament, inter-cultural issues, human rights, conflicts nonviolent management and resolution.
Together with the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), IRIAD is part of the Italian Disarmament Network.
Among his numerous initiatives and activities: analysis, research, training courses, the ‘Golden doves for peace’ prize and the Tullio Vinay prize organized by the Institute in collaboration with the Waldensian Board.
This year the selection commission awarded the first “Tullio Vinay” prize to Arianna Portoricco (Sapienza University of Rome) who presented a thesis entitled “Intersectionality: theoretical framework and methodological practice. An Italian research on LGB+ migrants”. The second prize was awarded to Claudia Zecchin (Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice) with a thesis entitled “The role of migration and minorities in international relations: the case study of Israeli Russians in bilateral relations between Moscow and Tel Aviv”. The award ceremony will be held on July 16th via Zoom.