Homotransphobia. Rainelli: “Respect and inclusion for transgender people. Now the law”

After the death, in Caivano, in the province of Naples, of the twenty-year-old girl, rammed while on a scooter with her transgender partner. A reflection on homotransphobia, while the ad hoc law still lies in parliament. The Methodist and Waldensian churches of Campania affirm their opposition to all forms of violence

foto di Delia Giandeini, unsplash

Rome (NEV),  September 19, 2020 – Are we still a homo and transphobic Country? “Unfortunately yes, it is evident”. This is the answer of Giorgio Rainelli, president of the Evangelical faith and homosexuality network (R.E.F.O) and coordinator of the Faith and Homosexuality Commission of the Baptist, Methodist and Waldensian churches.
“The latest drama is that of the young Maria Paola, who died in the night between Thursday and Friday last week – continues Rainelli – after being rammed while on the scooter with her transsexual partner, Ciro. Their relationship would be the reason for what happened. On September 14th the Court validated the arrest of the victim’s brother, who would have been contrary to this relationship.
Transsexuals are beaten, discriminated against, killed every day. Hatred, violence, is everywhere as the case of Colleferro19  demonstrates”.
Rainelli also explained that in the Italian Parliament, lies the  law against homotransphobia and misogyny, a bill signed by Alessandro Zan, deputy of the  Democratic Party (PD).  A specific law is needed because, for crimes of this type, there is no aggravating circumstance, while it exists for racial hatred. It is a question of protecting the weakest, all those most hidden situations, such as the many persons who do not denounce. In fact, the new law provides for prison from 1 to 4 years for those who instigate homophobic violence and imprisonment for up to 1 year and 6 months, or a fine of up to 6,000 euros, for those who spread ideas based on gender discrimination.

The Church Councils of the Waldensian and Methodist Churches of Campania published an open letter on the case of Maria Paola. In the letter, in addition to the condemnation of all forms of violence and sexual discrimination,  these communities reaffirm the teaching and the example of Jesus and actualize His words of hope, life and love by proclaiming blessed the gay and lesbian brothers and sisters, together with hetero, bisexual and transsexual persons.