October 31st. A step forward for the Reformation Bible

Rome (NEV), October 31, 2020 – Saturday October 31, the appointment “A step forward for the Bible of the Reformation”. An afternoon dedicated to the presentation of the New Testament revision edited by the Biblical Society in Italy (SBI).
“After the 2017 edition published on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation – explains pastor Eric Noffke, president of the SBI – the editorial committee collected comments from churches, individuals, pastors. We made some changes, for example by refining the inclusive language, intervening on the so-called neutral masculine, replacing the word ‘man’ with ‘humanity’. We confirmed the novelties of our translation on the words of the holy supper, preferring the word ‘remembrance’ over the word ‘memory’. A lively and interesting discussion was animated on some of the first edition choices, such as the use of the historical present, the identification of words and phrases that imply a precise theological direction, as for example ‘Do not let us enter into temptation’. It is a translation that has two sides – concludes the pastor -. On the one hand we wanted to use a more current Italian than the New Revised edition one, and it seems to me that we have succeeded in this. On the other hand, we remained as faithful as possible to the original text”.
This volume, in limited edition, among its objectives, has the support of the SBI for the translation project of the Old Testament. Pastor Luca Maria Negro, FCEI’s president, addressed his greetings and wishes to the assembly.