Adventists. 15,000 euros for amateur sports associations

By December 13, 2020 it is possible to participate in the competition as part of the third edition of the "I do really play" project

Rome (NEV / HopeMedia),  November 26,  2020 – The third edition of “I do really play” has started, a project promoted by the Adventist Christian Church, supported thanks to 8xthousand funds, and aimed at amateur sports associations (ASD).
This is a competition for the allocation of a total of 15,000 euros (first prize: 8,000 euros; second prize: 5,000 euros; third prize: 2,000 euros). The initiative, entitled #IoGiocoDavveroFood, aims to raise awareness among young athletes and their families on the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. Campaign themes: proper nutrition, regular physical activity; healthy habits; well-being.
Adventists intend to support ASDs “in the educational action they carry out with children and their families” to enhance “eating behaviors that improve the benefits of sports and counteract and discourage incorrect eating habits”, reads the article launching the project, and concludes: “We invite everyone to spread and share this initiative in the sports centers of their towns and among their friends. Health is a primary asset to be safeguarded with healthy daily habits”.
According to the Italian Obesity Barometer, HopeMedia reports, that 24% of Italian children and teenagers – especially of masculine gender – are overweight. This represents a risk factor for the onset of diseases such as type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Children who play sports are less subject to these risks.
Information and, above all, prevention, are the best tools to reduce the occurrence of serious diseases resulting from lifestyle.

Amateur sports associations with at least 10 members, registered with the Coni (National Olympic Committee) and established on a date prior to 1 January 2017, are admitted. Registrations must be received by 24.00 on December 13, 2020 on the website: