Adventists. Covid-19, how to manage emotional fatigue

Rome (NEV), February 28, 2021 – HopeMedia, the Adventist portal, highlights the episode of “Mens Sana” on fatigue and emotional overload due to the pandemic. Aired on Radio ‘Voce della Speranza’, Alessia Calvagno questions Deborah Giombarresi, psychologist and psychotherapist. At the basis of emotional fatigue there is, among other things, the “temporal extension of uncertainty”, explains the doctor. In addition, it is necessary to manage “the many and sometimes conflicting information”. This can lead to confusion and lack of balance. Another factor is that of routine. “The one we lately built is very different from the pre-covid one – continues Giombarresi -. The most resilient persons have succeeded in building new ones, but for many, changing routines is not physiological”.

The apparent absence of positive motivations also affects the mood. These are the expert’s advice: spend time looking for positive news and more carefree reading. Limit excessive exposure to continuous information. Create new routines with moments of leisure and physical movement. Dedicate yourself to nourishment of the mind, to art and other relaxing and rewarding activities. Among these, take time for activities in contact with nature and for meditation.