Waldensian and Methodist Synod/2. The themes on the agenda of the Assembly

Yes to the “ius soli”, to the reception and integration of migrants, to humanitarian corridors. No to racism and xenophobia

Uno degli arrivi dei Corridoi umanitari

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 – Regarding the migrants and refugees issue, on the 24th of August, the Synod approved, by an overwhelming majority, several items on the agenda.

On the right of citizenship, the so called ‘ius soli’, the Synod expressed the hope that the Italian Parliament will proceed to a rapid adoption of the related law. It also expressed its full support to the campaign “I was a foreigner”, inviting the churches to promote meetings and debates on the text of the popular initiative bill “New rules for the promotion of regular residence permits and social and employment inclusion for non-EU foreign citizens”.

Likewise, the Synod valued with satisfaction the good progress of the Humanitarian Corridors project – promoted by the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) and the Community of Sant’Egidio, funded by the 8 per thousand of the Waldensian Board – thanks to which 900 refugees (mostly Syrian) have come to Italy in a legal and safe way.  The Synod also recalled the precious involvement of the Waldensian Diaconate, as well as that of the many churches and local agencies, in the follow-up and in the reception of the refugees after their arrival in Italy.

Finally, the Synod’s hope is that it will be possible to obtain another share of humanitarian visas from the competent Ministries and the extension of this project to other European churches and governments.