Solidarity with migrants on the Alpine front

The mobilization in the mountains between Italy and France continues to help those who, despite the intense cold, try to cross the snowy passes. A solidarity action with migrants named #SOSAlpesSolidaires, saw hundreds of people involved

17 dicembre 2017, #SOSAlpesSolidaires in marcia di primo mattino verso il Colle de L'Echelle (foto: La Cimade)

Rome (NEV/, December 21, 2017 – Frost and snow do not stop those who, after having traveled thousands of kilometers and crossed deserts on foot and seas on makeshift boats, feel they are near their destination. Be it France, England, the rest of Europe.
The news are reporting of migrants who, with unsuitable clothing, are walking from Bardonecchia (Piedmont, Italy) up towards the col of l’Echelle, a natural pass that leads beyond the Alps.

On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 of December, there was a two-day mobilization dedicated to solidarity with migrants, between Briançon, in France, and the surrounding mountains.

The participation was unprecedented for this peripheral territory: hundreds of people attended the round tables on Saturday, in the presence of activists of the mobilizations of these months, and on Sunday at least 400 have walked on the alpine paths on the French side personally to test the difficulties of such a crossing during this period.

At the same time, the mobilizations of the more than 430 associations involved in the “General States of Migration” continue all over France: in this context the letter that yesterday Jean-Michel Hitter and Véronique Fayet, respectively presidents of the Protestant Aid Federation (the French Reformed churches’ diaconate) and of the Caritas France, sent to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, denounces the errors of the French reception system, as well as the further tightening on controls and expulsion methods that the new laws on immigration and security are outlining.

Last Sunday’s solidarity has been named #SOSAlpesSolidaires – #TousMigrants.