The annual Methodist consultation was held near Rome

Centro Ecumene, Velletri (RM)

Roma (NEV), May 29, 2018 – The annual Consultation of the Methodist Churches’ Works Organization (OPCEMI) was held at the “Ecumene” center of Velletri (near Rome) from 25 to 27 May last. About a hundred people, among whom pastors, deacons and representatives of local churches, participated to the meeting.

On Friday 25, the opening cult was held by Pastor Daniel Pratt Morris-Chapman. On Saturday 26, workshops went on followed by a plenary session on the four thematic areas: “sense of community and meaningful community”; “training and leadership”; “civil rights and racism”; “work and legality”.

There were moments of sharing on the work carried out during the year by the OPCEMI Standing Committee; on the experiences of the Methodist churches in diaconal projects in favor of the poor, the homeless, refugees and migrants, and on the activities carried out in social works. The Consultation ended on Sunday 27 of May with the traditional worship service on the Renewal of the Pact, led by Pastor Noemi Falla.

There are about 5 thousand Methodists in Italy, gathered in 40 local churches. Since 1979 the Methodist churches are integrated with the Waldensian churches into a single Synod. Since 1984 the relations between the Methodist and Waldensian churches and the Italian State are governed by an Agreement (law 449/1984), based on Article 8 of the Constitution.