Lutheran Church of Rome. Michael Jonas is the new pastor

The official welcome of the Lutheran Evangelical community in Rome, in the presence of the dean Heiner Bludau and of numerous representatives of other religious confessions

Michael Jonas, nuovo pastore della comunità evangelica luterana di Roma, durante la cerimonia di insediamento. 30 settembre 2018, foto CELI

Rome (NEV), October 8, 2018 – The Lutheran Evangelical community in Rome on Sunday, September 30, gave the official welcome to its new pastor, Michael Jonas, in the presence of the Dean of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (CELI), Heiner Bludau. “The history of the Lutheran Protestant community of Rome dates back to 1817 – reads the statement issued for the occasion – and to the desire of the Prussian envoys to the Holy See (of Protestant-Lutheran faith), to have a representation of their church on the occasion of the 300th  anniversary of the Reformation. A dream, at the time. In fact, another hundred years were needed to give strength and concreteness to that dream. The Prussian envoys had meanwhile to be content with a small chapel in the headquarters of their delegation at Palazzo Caffarelli, on the Campidoglio”.
Today the Lutheran Evangelical community interweaves ecumenical relations with all Christian communities and is engaged in the diaconal work and on issues related to migration. Michael Jonas, 42, was born in Germany in the Black Forest region, and served in Schramberg, near Freiburg. In 2012 he was director of the Melanchthon Center in Rome.
Among the guests, several religious leaders including the referent for Southern Europe of the German Protestant Church (EKD) Olaf Waßmuth, the German Ambassador to the Holy See, Michael Koch, the Catholic bishop Josef Clemens, and Fulvio Ferrario, dean of the Waldensian Faculty of Theology of Rome.