Memorial Day. A meeting with the Jewish Community of Rome

Rome (NEV), February 2,  2019 – On occasion of the celebrations for the Memorial Day, the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI), the UsigrRai Union (TV journalists union), the Association ‘Articolo 21’ and the Journalists Association of the Latium Region, met on January 25 the Jewish Community of Rome. Aim of the meeting was to reflect on the resurgence of intimidating, destroying and aggressive acts of neo-fascist style that targeted not only chroniclers, reporters and entire press bodies, but also symbols of the Shoah such as the stumbling stones stolen through the streets of Rome and elsewhere, to remind everyone that “what has happened may happen again”.
The Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) was invited to be part of the delegation received by the president and spokesperson of the Roman Jewish Community, Ruth Dureghello and Daniel Funaro, and by the president of the Foundation ‘Museo della Shoah Mario Venezia’.

Not being able to be present at the meeting with the Roman Jewish Community, the FCEI’s Council sent a message to share similar concern and commitment.