Solidarity with Radio Radicale

Foto di Matt Botsford - Unsplash

Rome (NEV), May 4,  2019 – The NEV press agency – Evangelical news, the weekly Riforma, the online daily and Radio Beckwith Evangelica express their solidarity and nearness to Radio Radicale, at risk of  closure after the Government decision not to renew the agreement with the Ministry of the Economic Development for the broadcasting of the parliamentary sessions, continuously provided since 2066 by the historical station.

Radio Radicale is a free and pluralist broadcaster that carries out an important public service. For decades, its frequencies have accompanied the transformations of the Italian society and promoted an always open and lay debate. Radio Radicale hosted voices of dissent, carried the banner of civil and human rights, exercised secularism in a political, social and religious sense, accompanying the great civil battles of the Country. It represented for years a real antidote against intolerance and exasperation of the tones that too often characterize the political debate. Its precious archive of parliamentary sessions, processes, debates and press reviews is part of the Italian intangible heritage.
It often gave account of, and was present at, significant moments in the life of the Italian evangelical world.
The closure of this free broadcaster would indeed be very serious, a deep wound to democracy.