Migrants and domestic work, 200 thousand off the books

Out of over 800 thousand regular domestic workers, the foreign component represents almost the 70 percent of the total workforce. The data contained in the Immigration statistical dossier of the Idos Study and Research Center and the Confronti Magazine

Credits: https://unsplash.com/@paucasals

Rome (NEV), December 13, 2019 – “They steal our work”, yes, but the off the books one, “in our own home!”. Out of 530,000 illegal foreigners at the end of 2018, 200,000 work illegally as domestic workers, carers and babysitters. This is the evaluation that the authors of the 2019 Immigration Statistical Dossier – Assindatcolf, the National Association of Domestic Employers, the Idos Study and Research Center and the Confronti Magazine – illustrated during an event held on December 9, in Udine.
“In the last eight years – declares Luca Di Sciullo, president of the Study and Research Center Idos – a block on the entry of additional stable workforce in Italy has been implemented. If, as estimated, by the end of 2020, irregular foreigners will be around 670 thousand, with a consequent increase in the share of domestic workers off the books, to put in place regularization and planning policies will become even more urgent for an increasingly crucial sector for the life of families and society”.