Mosques, Negro: “A good decision of the Constitutional Court. A framework-law on religious freedom needed urgently”

Lombardy has unreasonably limited freedom of worship: this was established by the Constitutional Court of the Italian Republic with a decision concerning the spaces for mosques and other religious places

Foto @Rachid Oucharia da Unsplash

Rome (NEV CS / 74), December 13, 2019 – “The sentence – states Luca Maria Negro, president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) – brings order to the subject, recalling that territorial policies cannot hinder the right for all religious events to exist and have a place of worship where to exercise it. After three years, a new ruling by the Constitutional Court intervening on the Lombard regional law on places of worship, revokes two other provisions considered to violate the religious freedom guaranteed by Art. 19 of the Constitution. A law containing such interventions is further weakened in its general structure and its specific purposes. The enactment of a framework-law on religious freedom is increasingly urgent to guarantee rights, including the places of worship, in a uniform way throughout the Italian territory and for everyone”.