The dignity of dying in the time of the corona virus

The open letter from a group of Evangelical and Catholic theologians not to let people die alone, not even in the midst of the corona virus emergency

Rome (NEV), April 3, 2020 – A protocol that hold together “the reasons of health and those of affections’  and allow the many people who die alone in hospitals –  without the comfort of loved ones – to depart with dignity”.
This is what a group of reflection of Evangelical and Catholic theologians asks in a “Letter on the dignity of dying at the time of the corona virus” addressed “to the citizens, with particular reference to the competent authorities”.
According to the petitioners, “nobody deserves to die alone, not even in a situation like the present one, under the blackmail of sacrifice for the sake of loved ones”. For this reason, “just as health care personnel, with due cautions, can approach the dying person”, so it should be possible to prepare a protocol that foresee “the presence of a relative”.