April 25, Valdo Spini: “The ‘moral’ resistance to get out of the pandemic”

For the historian, former minister and deputy secretary of the Italian Socialist Party, the emergency of the corona virus "demonstrates the strength of the values ​​that were at the basis of Liberation of 1945: solidarity, responsibility, freedom". It is now necessary, "precisely for the lesson that the Resistance  taught us, to prevent inequalities from worsening"

Rome (NEV),  April 26, 2020 – “Italy will get out of its current difficulties only if it is able to value the responsibility, the will to freedom and solidarity that the Liberation struggle was able to embody”. So Valdo Spini, Waldensian, socialist, former deputy, Minister of the Environment,  Under-secretary for Foreign and Interior Affairs, currently president of the Foundation Circolo Rosselli in Florence, expressed himself on April 25, which was celebrated yesterday, in a Country which changed its face due to the pandemic, to the related restriction measures for citizens, and due to the impending economic and social crisis.
“It is necessary, precisely for the lesson that the Resistance taught us, to prevent the worsening of inequalities  – continued Spini -. The ethics of collective responsibility: this is where the topicality of the anti-fascist thought resides. The sense of loyalty and responsibility for the great values ​​of the struggle for the Liberation and the Constitution are elements of our society, to be celebrated today more than ever”.

“Transmitting the memory of the Resistance to young people is a fundamental theme”, continued Valdo Spini. “For this reason  we created – with the teachers and the students of the Salvemini-Duca D’Aosta technical college in Via Giusti, in  Florence, the same street where is the house of Carlo and Nello Rosselli, remembered here by a plaque – videos and multimedia materials on the history of the Rosselli brothers. The students created an interactive map and a totem, in a laboratory that started before the pandemic and which continues, remotely, even in these weeks. The goal is to remember both an example of life for the defense of the values of the Resistance, that of the Rosselli brothers, and to explain to younger generations what the barbarism of fascism was. Youngsters need to know what fascism is”.