Environmental and Globalization Commission: Every breath of the ocean is life

Maria Elena Lacquaniti

Rome (NEV), Juli 5, 2020 – Maria Elena Lacquaniti, member of the Environmental and Globalization Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), presents the dossier for the Time of Creation, dedicated this year to oceans and  marine waters as a source of life. The dossier is a tool made available, as every year, free of charge for churches and for all the people who intend to celebrate the world ecumenical liturgical period that runs from  September 1 to  October 4. The document contains liturgical ideas, songs, video proposals, psalms, prayers, translations, meditations and insights for all ages. Marine waters are “a world full of unknown life and biodiversity”, Lacquaniti explains and denounces the risk of human pollution,  inviting everyone “to dive in the ocean’s beauty, watching the videos proposed and listening to the songs” with the aim of protecting all together this grace of God.
“Enough plastic. Every breath of the ocean is life, let’s stop suffocating it with our waste” affirms Maria Elena Lacquaniti.

The GLAM dossier was officially presented on the occasion of the Oceans Day (established by the UN in 1992 on the occasion of the Rio de Janeiro environment summit). The title, inspired by Psalm 104, is: “Marine waters, source of life”