Humanitarian disarmament: a “new normality”

More than 145 international civil society organizations have published a letter inviting everyone to reflect on the world as it is and to consider a better alternative for the future

Rome (NEV), 2 July 2020 – “As the world moves towards a post-pandemic reality, we are asking states, international organizations and civil society to follow the example of humanitarian disarmament. The international community must prioritize human security, redistribute military spending to humanitarian causes, work to eliminate inequalities, ensure that multilateral forums incorporate different voices and bring a cooperative mindset on practical and political issues. Together we can reshape the security landscape for the future and help create a new and better ‘normality’”.
More than 145 international civil society organizations, among whom the Italian Network for Disarmament, and the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), have published a joint letter stating that the humanitarian disarmament can pave the way for a better post-pandemic world.

The letter is open for signature by civil society organizations around the world.

Read in english, french, spanish.