July 19, 1620 – July 19, 2020.  A worship service to remember the “sacred massacre”

The worship service  held in via IV Novembre in Rome in memory of the massacre of the Protestants of Valtellina, on the occasion of the 400th  anniversary of the dramatic event. The historical details  sheet of pastor Emanuele Fiume

La facciata della chiesa valdese di via IV novembre a Roma. Foto wikipedia

Rome (NEV), July 19, 2020 – A cult of commemoration presided over by the Waldensian pastor Emanuele Fiume has been held in Rome on Sunday 19 July, exactly 400 years after the massacre known as the “Valtellina Sacred slaughter”. “We will remember this episode of our history during the cult –  wrote Pastor Fiume on the front page of the July-August bulletin “Protestants in Rome”, sent to members and sympathizers of the Waldensian community that meets in via IV Novembre 107, in Rome.

The NEV press agency has published a fact sheet entitled “The Valtellina sacred slaughter. 19 July 1620”, edited by Emanuele Fiume, in which the pastor and scholar retraces the historical stages of the religious extermination of hundreds of Protestants occurred 400 hundred years ago.