There is no Synod, but …

Rome (NEVCS / 23), August  8, 2020 – “Generations and regenerations. Taking care of people, memories and territories”. This is the initiative that will take place in Torre Pellice (Turin) and on line, from 24 to 30 August, on the days that are usually dedicated to the Synod of the Waldensian and Methodist Churches which this year will not take place due to the well-known problems related to the COVID-19 emergency.
“The Synod will not take place this year, but the Waldensian and Methodist churches are there with their history and their varied commitment from North to South”, underlines the moderator of the Waldensian Board, Alessandra Trotta, inviting people to follow (in presence or online) the events organized in the same places where the Synod is normally held, on the same dates of the Synod, but without the Synod.
Meetings, exhibitions, concerts, films and even comics will animate the week from 24 to 30 August in Torre Pellice, the heart of the Waldensian Valleys. A rich program of events that will be preceded, from 21 to 23 August, by a particular edition of “Una Torre di Libri”, the cultural and literary review that animates the summer of the Valleys.

Here the complete program: