“Health means salvation”

The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy and the magazine and study center Confronti presented “The FDEI notebook: 16 days to overcome violence”, in an online panel entitled “Is health a woman?”. The appointment took place on Wednesday 25 November, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

foto di Victoria Strukovskaya, unsplash.com

Rome (NEV), December 5, 2020 – Health as a gender right. On  November 25,  the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) and the magazine and study center Confronti presented the FDEI booklet: “16 days to overcome violence”, in a panel entitled “Is health a woman?”. More than 80 participants followed the debate, live on the Confronti fb page and moderated by the magazine’s director, Claudio Paravati. FDEI has published the dossier since 2007.

Baptist pastor Gabriela Lio, president of FDEI, introducing the meeting, explained: “This year we chose the theme of health – continued Lio – soon after the end of the first lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, when health was the first thought for everyone and especially for women. What does health has to do with violence? Violence has enormous repercussions on women’s health, from a mental, sexual, physical, psychological but also reproductive point of view”.

Among the various interventions we remember those of Claudia Discipula Angeletti, FDEI press and communication manager; Barbara Olivieri Caviglia, president of the international hospital of Genoa; Adriana Bruno, gynecologist and coordinator of the South-West Counselling centers of the Castelli Romani; Antonella Di Berto Mancini, psychologist; Daniele Bouchard,  Waldensian pastor and theologian; Ilenya Goss, medical doctor and Waldensian pastor; Elizabeth Green, theologian and pastor of the Baptist Church.

The NEV agency will re-propose in 16 episodes, from  25 November, World Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, until 10 December, World Human Rights Day, the FDEI booklet “16 days against violence”.