March 19: World Climate Action Day

The Globalization and Environment Commission of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy supports the initiative promoted by the Fridays for future movement. The Commission  contributed, among other things, with the publication of a reflection paper on CO2 emissions, on the commitment of governments and on COP26

Rome (NEV), March 20, 2021 – On the occasion of the World Climate Action Day (March 19), the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) proposed a reflection document. Among the topics addressed, subsidies to fossil fuels and European zootechnics, CO2 emissions caused by agriculture and intensive livestock; the protection of health and the promotion of a just and sustainable economy; finally, the analysis of the Italian regulations and commitments at a European and global level.

The document of the FCEI Commission focuses on environmental priorities and emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring of the objectives. This, in the light of some significant data concerning health, climate and sustainability.

“Politicians and large companies do not miss the opportunity to set emission reduction targets to be achieved in 20 or 30 years. And to promise that, in some distant future, they will do something to counter the climate crisis – denounced the FFF/Italia movement in its call to the World Climate Action Day -. We need immediate and concrete measures in line with science and with the principle of climate justice”. For this reason, activists all over the world were mobilized again on March 19: to protest and ask that the funds of the Next Generation Eu be invested in policies to “eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of the climate crisis are already under our eyes, and the situation will only get worse. Only people all over the world together, can reverse this situation”, the organizers of the Climate Action Day wrote.

GLAM  – which also officially adhered to the global mobilization promoted by the Fridays for future (FFF) movement – echoed in its document, with these words: “If we look around us, what achievements do we see in terms of tree planting, boiler checks and replacements, renovation of public buildings, car fleet and public transport, transformation of agriculture and industrial farming, consumption of plastics? Also in view of COP 26, all this deserves a survey and a lot of vigilance ”.