Second Generations. Associations ask for a Reform of the Citizenship Law

Rome (NEV), February 6, 2017 – “This time there is no excuse: this reform has to be voted. From a numerical point of view the only obstacle is the political will of the Parliament majority”. This is what the Campaign “I’m Italy too” (#italiasonoanchio), promoted by twenty associations of the civil society – among which also the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) – have been asking lately in a Press Conference held at the Italian Senate. Many representatives of the promoting associations have complained about the inertia of politicians on this “highly relevant” topic and asked the immediate scheduling in the Upper House of the law’s discussion. With this reform, the so-called “second generations”, but de facto Italians, could ask to obtain the Italian citizenship before their 18th birthday.

In the meantime, the Campaign “I’m Italy too” is preparing to go into the streets every Tuesday of February, until the 28th, a day in which they plan a national demonstration: “Senators must know this: we will not stop mobilization until the bill is scheduled and discussed”. First meeting: Tuesday February 7th at the Pantheon square, Rome.