In Rome, an international ecumenical prayer meeting for Europe

Basilica dei Santi XII Apostoli a Roma

Rome (NEV), March 26, 2017 – “Come and help us!”: this was the motto, taken from Acts (16, 9), of the international ecumenical prayer meeting for Europe, promoted on Friday 24th of March, by “Together for Europe” on occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties.

On the eve of the event the ecumenical network, which gathers more than 300 Christian communities and movements, met in the Basilica of the XII Saints Apostles in Rome, as a sign of encouragement for a Europe united in diversity: “A Europe that rediscovers its true purpose and its true identity in the encounter with the other”.

“Each of us must be committed to the European Union. It is not a matter that concerns only the politicians, but it requires the commitment of every citizen, and thus also of each believer”, stated to NEV Pres Agency, pastor Heiner Bludau, dean of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy (CELI), who attended the prayer meeting.

The event was chaired by Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for the promotion of Christian Unity. The homily was delivered by Msgr. Nunzio Galantino, secretary general of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI).

Among other Protestants who participated in the ecumenical prayer were: the president of the Federation of Protestant churches in Italy, pastor Luca Maria Negro; pastor Mirella Manocchio, president of the Work for the Methodist evangelical Churches in Italy; pastor Giuseppe Miglio, vice president of the Christian Evangelical Baptist Union in Italy; pastor Luca Anziani, vice moderator of the Waldensian Board.