
62 Palestinian refugees welcomed in Italy

Rome (NEV), 5 February 2024 - This morning the Nave Vulcano, the Navy hospital ship, docked at La Spezia (Italy) harbour with 62 Palestinian...

Fiona Kendall new moderator of CCME

Rome (NEV), 9th November 2023 - Fiona Kendall, from Scotland, who has for almost six years been seconded as European and Legal Affairs Advisor...

Kitanovic (KEK): repower mediation, reconciliation and cooperation

Rome (NEV), 19th October 2023 - Interview to Dr. Elizabeta Kitanovic, Programme Officer / Advocacy and Dialogue of the Conference of European Churches (KEK). *For...

Cultivating memory and commitment

Rome (NEV), 4th october 2023 - At the shrine of Our Lady of Porto Salvo, at 6pm, an ecumenical commemoration, ten years after the...

Safe paths

Roma (NEV), 8th May 2023 – Landeskirchenrat Albrecht Philipps, Head of Department for Ecumenism, Mission and Global Responsibility of the Protestant Church of Westphalia,...

US Methodist Church. Winkler: divisions are also the result of individualism

Rome (NEV), May 2023 – Jim Winkler, former president of the National Council of Christian Churches in the USA (NCCCUSA), answers our questions to better...

Africa-Europe Ecumenical Forum on Migration

By NEV Agency - 21st March 2023 Rome (NEV), 21st March 2023 - From 15th 19th March, representatives of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), the Churches’...

Humanitarian corridors with Pope Francis

Roma (NEV), 19th March 2023 – Waldensian pastor Daniele Garrone, President of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (“FCEI”), spoke today at the...

Humanitarian corridors, 97 Afghan refugees arrived in Rome today

Rome (NEV), 23 February 2023 - Today, Thursday 23 February, a group of 97 Afghan refugees arrived from Pakistan as part of the Humanitarian...

Baptist World Alliance General Secretary, Elijah Brown, visits italian Baptist churches and pope Francis

Rome (NEV), December 19, 2022 – We interviewed rev. Elijah Brown, General Secretary of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), who is in Italy these...

Ultimi Articoli

Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 15 luglio 2024 - Sono ovviamente moltissime le reazioni, anche da parte delle chiese, al tentativo di omicidio che ha visto coinvolto...

La FCEI aderisce all’appello per i lavoratori della ex GKN di Firenze

Roma (NEV),  15 luglio 2024 - Il Consiglio della Federazione Chiese Evangeliche in Italia (FCEI) ha deciso di aderire all’appello lanciato dalla Società operaia...

Cosa significa essere valdesi, oggi. Risponde Anaïs Scaffidi Domianello

Roma (NEV), 12 luglio 2024 – Che cosa vuol dire essere valdese, oggi? In occasione degli 850 anni dalla nascita del movimento valdese, insieme...

VALBUM, il primo album di figurine per gli 850 anni di storia valdese

Roma (NEV), 12 luglio 2024 - Per celebrare i 40 anni di Radio Beckwith evangelica (RBE) e gli 850 anni del movimento valdese nasce...

“Appunti di un confine”, “L’osservatorio”: terzo episodio del podcast MH

Roma (NEV), 11 luglio 2024 – “Appunti di un confine” è un podcast nato per il decennale di Mediterranean Hope (MH), programma migranti e...