
 Lampedusa, “Activate immediate reception networks. Open EU legal pathways”

"We cannot emphasise strongly enough that the only way to tackle “irregular” migration is to open channels which are legal, secure and managed at...

Lebanon, the FCEI appeal for Beirut continues

Rome (NEV), 20th August 2020 - The toll taken by the tragic explosion in Beirut on 4th August has significantly worsened.  According to data...

Ethical tomatoes. A project in Sicily

Rome (NEV), August 21, 2020 - The press conference for the presentation of the project against illegal hiring was held on August 13 in...

Ecumene becomes an Eco-Community

Rome (NEV), August 21, 2020 - On August 16, the Methodist Evangelical Center for Studies, Community Life and Worship, Ecumene, in Velletri, received the...

There is no Synod, but …

Rome (NEVCS / 23), August  8, 2020 - "Generations and regenerations. Taking care of people, memories and territories". This is the initiative that will...

The new bridge of Genoa. A Protestant reflection on the day of the inauguration

Rome (NEV), August 8, 2020 - Almost two years after the collapse of the Morandi Bridge, in which 43 people died, the new viaduct...

Beirut, FCEI launches appeal

Rome (NEVCS/22), 7th August 2020 – After the devastating explosion which struck the Lebanese capital on 4th August, the Federation of Protestant Churches in...

Bouchard. The condolence of the Pentecostal churches

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 - The president of the Federation of Pentecostal churches, pastor Carmine Napolitano, sent to pastor Luca Maria Negro, as...

Mourning. Pastor Giorgio Bouchard passed away

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 - “With Giorgio Bouchard, one of the last witnesses of a protestant  generation, who lived its faith in constant...

“Rooting in the new”. The Baptists adhesion

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 - Giovanni Paolo Arcidiacono, president of the Union of the Baptist Christian Evangelical Churches in Italy (UCEBI)  expressed full...

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