
European churches. Human rights’ challenge in the time of the CORONAVIRUS

Rome (NEV),  July 12, 2020 - There was also  the president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), pastor Luca Maria Negro,...

“Church, apologize to us”.  The letter of Christian women

Rome (NEV),  July 12, 2020 - Adhesions continue to arrive to the open letter entitled "Church, apologize to us", which denounces the patriarchal and...

The Evangelical Bethany Hospital in the ‘La Republica’ book on COVID-19 in Naples

Rome (NEV),  July 12, 2020 - In the book “COVID. The hundred days of Naples" published by  'La Repubblica', in collaboration with the publisher...

Humanitarian disarmament: a “new normality”

Rome (NEV), 2 July 2020 - "As the world moves towards a post-pandemic reality, we are asking states, international organizations and civil society to...

The new Archivio Disarmo website is online

Rome (NEV), 12 July 2020 - The new website is on-line, with new graphics and more accessible contents. The Institute for International Research Archive...

The “outside world”. After 4 months the emotion of embracing family members

Rome (NEV),  July 12, 2020 - After 3 and a half months of no external activities, the residential structures of the Waldensian Diaconate in...

Environmental and Globalization Commission: Every breath of the ocean is life

Rome (NEV), Juli 5, 2020 - Maria Elena Lacquaniti, member of the Environmental and Globalization Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in...

Palermo. The road named after pastor Pietro Valdo Panascia inaugurated in the city centre

Rome (NEV),  July 5, 2020 - Official opening, Sunday 5 July, in Palermo, at noon, of the street named after the pastor Pietro Valdo...

Methodists. The British Methodist Conference 2020

Rome (NEV), July 5,  2020 - The General Conference of the Methodist Church of Great Britain was held from 25 June to 2 July....

We are all Anne Soupa

Rome (NEV), July 5,  2020 - The Interreligious Observatory on violence against women (OIVD) together with the Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) speak...

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