
Coronavirus, the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) launches an appeal to provide...

Rome (NEV), March 20th 2020 – The Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) is launching an appeal to finance initiatives to tackle the...

Corona virus. From the interviews to three pastors in the times of contagion

Rome, (NEV), March 15, 2020 - We publish some passages contained in the interviews to three pastors by the NEV Agency at the time...

Corona virus. Italian evangelical hospitals reorganize themselves

Rome (NEV /, March 15,  2020 - On the on-line magazine Marta D'Auria tells how the evangelical hospitals of Genoa and Naples...

Corona virus. Fear explodes in prisons

Rome (NEV /, March 15, 2020 – Schools and  cinemas closed,  quota for coffee bars  and night-clubs, distances to be respected, people and...

Coronavirus, Faith beyond Fear

Torre Pellice, February the 28th , 2020 The text of the letter the Waldensian Board sent to the members of the Waldensian and Methodist Churches in...

Assisted suicide in Germany. Savarino: “let’s pay attention to only apparently autonomous choices”

Rome (NEV), March 8,  2020 - Luca Savarino, coordinator of the Bioethics Commission of the Methodist, Baptist and Waldensian churches in Italy and member...

Waldensian Board: “To be a community at the time of Corona-virus”

Rome (NEV), March 8, 2020 - The Waldensian Board sent a reflection to the whole Waldensian and Methodist community on the situation that is...

Greece, FCEI: “Ready to replicate Humanitarian Corridors”

Rome (NEV CS/07), 6th March 2020 – “What is happening on the borders of Europe, in Greece and Turkey, challenges Europe’s moral and legal conscience,...

Against the “crazy and wild cries” of anti-Semitism

Rome (NEV), February 27, 2020 - On February 17, 1898, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the patent letters with which the...

The plant-community. Olivetti, 60 years after his death

Rome (NEV), February 27, 2020 - 60 years ago, the Carnival of the orange battle was not celebrated in Ivrea. The Piedmontese city was...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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