
Venice flood. Damages to the church and to the Waldensian guest house

Rome (NEV /, November 23, 2019 - The day after the record high tide, which has forcefully brought the topic of the protection...

CELI helps the victims of the Ponte Morandi collapse

Rome (NEV), November 23, 2019 - With the 8 per thousand of the Income tax funds of the Italian Lutheran Church (CELI), the Genoa...

Between Scampia and the “Third World”. The Arzano Baptists open an anti-violence space

Rome (NEV), November 23, 2019 - "Arzano is a difficult area", says Rosetta Uccello of the local Baptist community: "here in the 1990s the...

Who will once more pay the disasters of Venice?

Rome (NEV / November 16, 2019 - Alberto Bragaglia, RAI journalist and member of the Methodist and Waldensian Church of Venice, whom the...

Segre. Protestants solidarity: “Sad and scandalous”

Rome (NEV), November 16, 2019 - "The fact that a ninety-year-old person, escaped from the Auschwitz concentration camps, be forced in today's Italy to...

Protestant women / anti-violence dossier: Implemet the Istanbul convention

Rome (NEV), November 16, 2019 - The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) has edited the new folder "16 days to win violence"...

La Pecora Elettrica. The solidarity of the Centocelle Baptists

Rome (NEV), November 9, 2019 - "The first reaction to this latest fire is the difficulty in understanding the reason for this gesture". This...

Segre Commission. The denunciation and support of Methodists Waldensians and Baptists

Rome (NEV),  November 9, 2019 - A few days after the Senate vote which established a Commission against racism and anti-Semitism, the moderator of...

November 6.  A “book of dreams” to save the environment from war and conflict

Rome (NEV), November 9, 2019 - The Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) took the floor...

Christian-Islamic dialogue: “There is no future without brotherhood and solidarity”

Rome (NEV), November 2, 2019 - "There is no future without brotherhood and solidarity", this is the title of the XVIII Ecumenical Day of...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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