
October 31, Reformation Day

Rome (NEV), November 2, 2019 - On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the church of the...

Let’s disarm

"He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will...

Syria. Waldensian Board: “Against the law of the strongest”

Rome (NEV /, October 26, 2019 - Following the recent military aggression of the Turkish Republic  to northern Syria - in particular, but...

Protestant women: no to the culture of rape, injustice and abuse

Rome (NEV), October 26, 2019 - The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI)  adhered to the document of the Ecumenical Council of Churches...

Cinema. Michele Lipori elected on the INTERFILM board

Rome (NEV), October 26, 2019 - The three-year general assembly of INTERFILM, the European Protestant association for cinematography, ended on Sunday October 20, in...

Syrian Kurdistan. Blessed are the builders of peace (not of arms)

Rome (NEV), October 19, 2019  – The  FCEI Council adheres to this appeal: "Blessed are the builders of peace (not of arms), because they will...

“Rete Disarmo”: stop  Italian weapons towards Turkey after bombing in Syria

Rome (NEV), October 19, 2019 -  "Rete Disarmo", the Italian Network for Disarmament (RID), of which the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the...

Attack in Halle (Germany). Negro: “We must hate evil”

Rome (NEV), October 19, 2019 - "The matrix of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia is the same. Gad Lerner, an Italian journalist, writer and TV presenter,...

World day for Decent Work. GLAM:  work be decent and sustainable

Rome (NEV), October 12 2019 - On the occasion of World Day for Decent Work, 7 October, the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of...

Citizenship for foreign minors: a right that cannot be postponed

Rome (NEV / Waldensian Diaconate), October 12, 2019 - The Commission for Waldensian Diaconate  (CSD) published a statement on the anniversary of the Lampedusa...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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