
Italy to lead on organising European Humanitarian Corridors

Agenzia NEV - 8th October 2019 Rome (NEV), 8th October 2019 – Italian humanitarian corridors set the precedent for Europe.  Yesterday and today, 7 and 8 October,...

Christian churches in Italy ask to switch “from the good for me to the...

Rome (NEV), October 7, 2019 - The representatives of the Christian Churches in Italy - Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants -, gathered in Rome last...

Alessandra Trotta: “The environment at the center of Christian witness”

Rome (NEV), October 7, 2019 - "Environmental protection is an urgent and central theme of Christian witness". Thus affirmed the deacon Alessandra Trotta, moderator...

Assisted suicide. Savarino: “We need clarifications”

Rome (NEV /, October 7, 2019 - As expected, discussions on the subject of assisted suicide began, following the sentence with which the...

#GlobalClimateStrike. GLAM calls for a climate emergency

Rome (NEV), September 28, 2019 – "Together with the young people we ask that the Government declare the climate emergency, and that citizens and...

The evangelical churches of Rome celebrate the feast of creation

Rome (NEV), September 28, 2019 - To celebrate the liturgical period known as "Time of Creation" the Council of the Protestant Churches of Rome...

A multireligious hall inaugurated at the Livorno Hospital in Tuscany

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2019 - The new multi-religious room of the Livorno hospital was inaugurated on September 11: a place of about 16...

Rome. “Free church in a free State!”. A worship service to celebrate the XX...

Rome (NEV), September 21,  2019 - On September 20, at 18:30 at the Waldensian Church in via IV Novembre, Rome, a cult of thanksgiving...

Norwegian Catholics and Lutherans visiting Rome

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2019 - From Norway to Italy for a comparison under the banner of ecumenism, dialogue, good practices looking at the...

Kirsten Thiele new deputy of the Lutheran Church in Italy. People at the center

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2019 - "I did not choose this assignment, but sometimes God calls us to serve him and we must be...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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