
Open Arms. The director of the Genoa Protestant Hospital aboard:  “Thanks to the professionalism...

Rome (NEV/CS39), 17th August – within the last few hours Gaddo Flego, 56, chief medical officer at the International Protestant Hospital in Genoa, and...

#OpenArms. FCEI and Waldensians write to David Sassoli (European Parliament): ready to host immediately

Rome (NEV/CS38), 12 August 2019 – The President of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), Reverend Luca Maria Negro, and the Moderator of the Union...

Waldensian Synod. Bernardini: “Everybody is welcome”

Rome (NEV), August 9, 2019 - From 25 to 30 August the Synod of the Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches will take place...

Additional 70 millions for the Universal Civil Service. “Good news” Comba commented

Rome (NEV), August 9,  2019 - On  July 31, the Council of Ministers approved a bill (Ddl), proposed by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte,...

Migrations. European churches express disappointment at the European Union

Rome (NEV), 19 July 2019 – Representatives of the European Churches have expressed their disappointment at the failure of the EU Ministers of Justice...

Libya, The Project To Treat Ten Children Continues

Rome (NEV), 18 July 2019 - 10 seriously ill Libyan children will be treated thanks to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the...

Humanitarian Corridors in Parliament

Rome (NEV), 1 July 2019 – Humanitarian Corridors land at the Chamber of Deputies. This morning, in the Sala della Regina in Montecitorio, a...

Libya, Now The European Humanitarian Corridor

Rome (NEV), 9 luglio 2019 - It is important that the Minister of Foreign Affairs declares that "Libya is not a safe haven". The...

Italian Protestant women adhere to the appeal of Clarisses  and Carmelites

Rome (NEV), July 27, 2019 - The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) joined the appeal sent by the Italian Clarisses and Carmelites...

Mayors conferences sign the Inter-religious Manifesto  for the End of Life Rights

Rome (NEV), July 27, 2019 - Another adhesion to the "Inter-religious Manifesto for the End of Life Rights" - signed on last February 5,...

Ultimi Articoli

La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 16 luglio 2024 - Sono molte le organizzazioni firmatarie dell’ennesimo appello che chiede un ripensamento totale delle politiche di accoglienza europea delle...

Protestantesimo – RAITRE: quattro ritratti di evangelici

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Quattro ritratti di evangelici le cui storie si intersecano con le vicende del nostro Paese. È quanto propone...

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Pastasciutta, mafie, caporalato

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 -  Il 25 luglio 1943 la famiglia di Alcide Cervi festeggiò la caduta del governo Mussolini offrendo a tutti...

Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

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