
Organ donation. The Waldensians sign a protocol

Rome (NEV), July 27, 2019 - On July 20th last, in Torre Pellice (Turin), at the headquarters of the Waldensian Board, the moderator Eugenio...

“I was a foreigner. People who do good”: a debate at the Chamber of...

Rome (NEV), July 20,  2019 - There are two work worlds in Italy. One is that of the "autochthonous", the other is that of...

The Articolo 21 card to the FCEI president

Rome (NEV), July 20, 2019 - "The duty to inform ... the right to be informed", this is the inscription printed on the membership...

Globalization and Environment Commission: Stop weapons export

Rome (NEV), July 13, 2019 - The Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) expresses itself once...

Time for Creation 2019. The priority of waste and climate change

Rome (NEV), July 13, 2019 - “For a pilgrimage of justice and peace towards Creation, we need to think of an economical system no...

Radical Party welcomes the motion on European humanitarian corridors

Rome (NEV), July 13, 2019 - The motion proposed by the Florentine Waldensian journalist, Roberto Davide Papini, was welcomed and adopted by the Radical...

Telephone helpline. A project by the Italian Lutheran Church in Somma Vesuviana

Rome (NEV), July 13, 2019 - A memorandum of understanding about the payment of  € 125,000.=  from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy (CELI)...

Pre-Synod. “The educational and cultural poverty in our time”

Rome (NEV), July 13, 2019 - The customary women Pre-Synod will be held on Saturday 24 of August in Torre Pellice (Turin). Organized by...

Kirchentag: a renewed confidence

Rome (NEV), 26 June 2019 – Participating in a Kirchentag is a unique and powerful experience. Those who have been there talk about tens...

Offida, the first Italian municipality to sign a partnership for humanitarian corridors

Offida (NEV), June 21, 2019 - Offida, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, is the first Italian municipality to sign a partnership for humanitarian...

Ultimi Articoli

La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 16 luglio 2024 - Sono molte le organizzazioni firmatarie dell’ennesimo appello che chiede un ripensamento totale delle politiche di accoglienza europea delle...

Protestantesimo – RAITRE: quattro ritratti di evangelici

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Quattro ritratti di evangelici le cui storie si intersecano con le vicende del nostro Paese. È quanto propone...

Centro Islamico di Monfalcone. Delegazione evangelica in visita dopo ennesimo atto razzista

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Il 12 luglio una delegazione evangelica ha visitato il centro islamico di Monfalcone (Gorizia) di Via Duca d’Aosta...

Pastasciutta, mafie, caporalato

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 -  Il 25 luglio 1943 la famiglia di Alcide Cervi festeggiò la caduta del governo Mussolini offrendo a tutti...

Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 15 luglio 2024 - Sono ovviamente moltissime le reazioni, anche da parte delle chiese, al tentativo di omicidio che ha visto coinvolto...